Fill up your buckets with slime. Return to OSRS Gold the bank chest and repeat this process as many times as you require (you should have one bucket of slime for every bone you'd like to sacrifice). You can take 14 bones of your choice and 14 buckets and then teleport back to Ectofuntus via Ectophile
Take the 1st floor of the tower. There you will find the Bonegrinder. Put your bones through the bonegrinder to obtain the pots of bonemeal. Get all your bones pulverized and return to bank. When you're done grinding all of the bones while collecting each of slime buckets then you can begin earning money. Take 14 Buckets of Slime and 14 Bonemeal Pots and then teleport to Ectofuntus. Praise Ectofuntus to receive prayer xp. In every worship you attend, you will be awarded 5 Ectotokens which will be given by the disciple NPC.
Another important piece of equipment could be obtained by the mining guild. When you're digging for new ores there are times when you'll get Unidentified Minerals. Those can be later exchanged for one of three kinds of Mining Gloves The three phases are: Regular, Superior and Expert ones. The final stage that comes with Mining Gloves works up to the Runite ore tier. Even though the Gloves don't give any bonus experience , they do help you level up quite a lot. With them on, players have the possibility of not depleting the rock he mines as he collects resources. If you find your ore from the vein that you are mining there is an opportunity that you can continue mining it. Basic gloves will work until a Gold tier and Superior ones up to a Runite level. Expert gloves will let you mine more efficiently for Amethyst as well.
Like in almost all skills, the best way to Cheap RuneScape Gold start training is by getting rid of the quests. Since starting out at a low level can be very boring and monotonous, it is more enjoyable to complete quests and often faster. Two quests could easily bring you from Level 1 to 32.
This sounds like a game where you collect items and store them in a bank chest. It must take patience to do it over and over again. I hope you get lots of rewards for your hard work!